
Westmount Day Nursery is the only nursery in Jersey to charge an hourly rate for childcare. This makes us extremely competitive for parents looking for flexible hours.

Nursery Charges

Commencing 1st September 2024

Service Charges
Sunshine Room Full-time Session
2 year old plus, 50 hours per week, including lunches
£405.93 per week
Sunshine Room
2 year old plus
£9.07 per hour
Rainbow Room
3 year old plus
£8.30 per hour
Extra hours
agreed in advance
£17.50 per hour
Late collection charge
after 5:30pm
£34.30 per every 15 mins
Late collection charge
(between 7.30am and 5.30pm)
£17.50 per every 15 mins
required if attending over lunch time
£3.00 per day

Waiting List Application

Please complete the following form to the best of your ability. One of our team will then contact you to let you know our current availability for your chosen days.

Child’s Details
Parent/Guardian #1 (you)
Parent/Guardian #2 (if applicable)
Contact Details
Nursery hours required
  • There is a minimum charge of 4 hours for each day your child attends.
  • Lunch is mandatory for all children attending over midday.
  • See our prices page for more details on costs.
The submission of this form does not guarantee a nursery place but we’ll do our best!

Thank you for completing our waiting list form.

The details have been sent to our nursery manager, who will review them and get back to you as soon as possible.